Actual Qualities of Successful Business Strategy

Brands are currently rethinking their business models. So, your updated business strategy should be Agile, Intellectual and provide for an Open dialogue between the brand and the client.

- It must be Agile

Agile was born in IT, but then the concept spread to other areas. It cannot be said that this is a completely new approach. It is clear that earlier companies used this concept when building their business strategies. However, only recently it received its theoretical justification and description. As a result, Agile today is a whole doctrine with its own laws, hypotheses and proofs. The Agile concept assumes that the implementation of a business project should not rely only on pre-created plans. It is important to be guided by the changing conditions of the external environment. This does not mean that the business should abandon long-term plans. However, this should not be limited to rigid and standard frames.

- It must be intellectual

This means that offers for clients must be maximally personalized according to the required characteristics, conditions, time and place. Headless commerce is good example. It is an approach, which breaks the direct link between front-end and back-end part of the online stor connecting them by the Application Programming Interface (API). API manages the exchange data and allows to flexibly configure (manage) with both systems. In other words, in the traditional approach, back-end and front-end are closely connected. Any change in user settings requires internal settings. With this approach, the user interface personalization is possible only with high spending. Thus, obstacles arise for any testing. The implementation of the API allows you to break this connection. Now testing and improving any side becomes much more accessible.

Dialogue with the customer is the main way to increase brand awareness and loyalty. It is worth promoting a brand where the consumer spends the most time. Commercial solutions must be part of the buyer's natural environment. The brand should not lure the client into a system that he does not understand, but should provide solutions on a platform that he understands. For example, many retail brands are well integrated into Instagram.

The above three aspects of the actual business strategy somehow linked. They complement and enhance each other. The need to include these qualities in a business strategy is beyond doubt.

by Amanda Coleman