Strategic Analysis Methods

Before developing or updating a business strategy, in many cases, business process research (strategic analysis) is carried out. Strategic analysis is the collection and processing of information about the internal and external factors of the company's success, as well as the formation of conclusions about the functioning of business processes. There are many methods for conducting business process research. They can be divided into general scientific and special methods. Among the general scientific methods: observation, experiment, modeling, synthesis, analysis, comparison, description, generalization, abstraction, and so on. Any of the above can be applied to strategic analysis. The second large group of methods is special research methods. These methods are concretized by the field of knowledge. The following strategic analysises methods are distinguished: PEST, SWOT, GAP, portfolio analysis, matrix analysis, PIMS and others..

  • PEST is a strategic analysis method that evaluates the political, economic, social and technological factors of the external environment.
  • SWOT method allows you to analyze the internal and external factors of success. Internal factors include strengths and weaknesses, while external factors include opportunities and threats. This is the systematization of the most significant factors.
  • GAP analysis is aimed at identifying the gap between the existing position of the company and the desired one. Also, during the analysis, the reasons for the gap are identified in order to make managerial decisions to stabilize the situation.
  • Portfolio analysis of resources for the purpose of redistribution in accordance with the optimal structure of the company's activities to realize the potential.
  • Matrix method is a study of the state and development of an organization based on the use of strategic matrices (BCG, McKinsey / 7S, Shell / DPM, etc.).
  • PIMS analysis determines the profit impact of a company's marketing strategy. Each business is described by over 30 factors. These factors are divided into three groups: competitive situation, production structure and market situation. Thus, it is a quantitative assessment of the impact on the financial results and cash flows of the organization's marketing strategy.

To build a good business model, you need to resort to several of the methods listed above. Many methods overlap and have a lot in common. However, each of them helps to get specific research that will definitely help in generating a business strategy.

by Amanda Coleman